X-ray diagnostics, computer 3d tomography
Dental treatment is best to start with a preliminary examination.
X-ray - the most accurate diagnostic method in the treatment of dental diseases.
Dental treatment is best to start with a preliminary examination.
X-ray - the most accurate diagnostic method in the treatment of dental diseases.
Dentists of Medlife clinics network use diagnostic equipment in their work, the examination of which allows keeping the radiation load on the patient at a safe level and obtaining X-ray images of the highest quality.
X-ray image is the main criterion in dentistry when making a diagnosis and checking the correctness of the performance of work. Accurate diagnosis allows the dentist to make the right decision about the most appropriate method of treatment.
Types of X-ray diagnostics:
Dental - the easiest type of X-ray. With this method, a sensor is placed in the oral cavity. The angle and power of the x-ray beam are adjusted. Further, through a radioviziograf, the image is placed in a computer disk. The method is good at determining the diagnosis of one or several teeth, helps to know the bone density, the location of the roots.
Orthopantogram (panoramic image) is the image of the lower and upper jaw of the dentition. This research method is used in orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery. It shows the anatomical features of the maxillofacial region.
Computed tomography is a modern method of serial shooting of the jaw apparatus, in different cuts and planes. Thus, the doctor receives invaluable information from a three-dimensional image, and can accurately determine the density of bone tissue. Tomographs are the most modern methods of X-ray research, the most technologically advanced and, therefore, costly.
Medlife has a diagnostic complex based on the Vatech EPX-IMPLA dental computed tomograph. This is a digital X-ray machine allowing getting high-quality panoramic images, images of the UHF joints, frontal sinuses, as well as 3D volume computer tomograms of 5 x 5 or 8 x 5 cm. Without this type of diagnostics, the predicted installation of intraosseous implants is simply impossible. The apparatus incorporates the functions of identifying and detecting hidden problems, with the possibility of visualizing them in three-dimensional space, which greatly facilitates the work of the doctor. This allowing to determining at an early stage and most importantly prevents the development of many diseases. Dental computed tomography, which includes the functions of a digital panoramic X-ray machine (8 projections) + TRG analysis.

Computed tomography allows you to get information about the real condition of the teeth and the surrounding bone tissue, for later use in the following areas:
In implantology, the accuracy of diagnosing of the place where an absent tooth is replaced by an implant can prevent complications of treatment, such as: pushing the implant into the maxillary sinus, damage to the mandibular nerve.
In endodontics - high-precision determination of the length, shape, number of root canals, which allows the doctor to properly fill them in and prevent treatment complications, such as: a tool fracture in the canal, removal of a filling material beyond the root apex, etc.
In periodontics - the diagnosis of the level of bone destruction and the presence of pathological bone pockets near the teeth.
In orthodontics - determining the optimal direction of movement of the teeth for the speedy achievement of beautiful, even dentition.
In maxillofacial surgery - allows the doctor to develop an optimal and safe treatment plan for the patient.