Professional oral hygiene
As a beautiful smile with white teeth is a guarantee of health, success and admiration of others, great attention is paid to professional oral hygiene in our clinics.
As a beautiful smile with white teeth is a guarantee of health, success and admiration of others, great attention is paid to professional oral hygiene in our clinics.
Professional oral hygiene is a system of therapeutic and preventive measures aimed at preventing the onset and progression of oral diseases, namely:
- soft plaque;
- pigmented plaque, which is a consequence of the use of tea coffee, and other coloring products;
- "smoker" plaque;
- hard dental plaque (calculus dentals).
A professional tooth cleaning precedes all dental procedures, as a rule, and is one of the first recommended by our doctors.
All hygiene procedures are carried out by hygienists.
Manipulations are carried out using the air-flow system, which removes soft plaque resulting from smoking, drinking coffee, black tea or coloring food. For this procedure, a special soda powder with a strong jet of water and compressed air is used. With the help of an ultrasound machine, sup-ragingival and sub-gingival hard plaque (calculus dentals) are removed. Removal of soft plaque and polishing of teeth after removal of calculus dentals are carried out with a brush and special pastes.
Professional hygiene ends with an application on the teeth with fluoride gel and, if necessary, anti-inflammatory drugs on the gums.
Our doctors recommend a professional cleaning (at least twice a year).

Also, professional hygiene is extremely necessary in the complex care after the implantation of teeth to prevent their rejection.
Hygiene doctors of Medlife clinics recommend their customers in detail how to properly care for the oral cavity, teach techniques for brushing teeth, help to choose a toothbrush and toothpaste.
Remotherapy (remineralizing therapy) is a set of measures (procedures) aimed at restoring the mineral composition of tooth enamel.
This procedure is applied after removing the bracket system, while treating caries in the staining stage, with increased sensitivity of the teeth, after teeth whitening, etc.
Fissure sealing is the procedure applied when teething permanent teeth to prevent the development of caries in natural cavities (fissures) on the chewing surfaces of the teeth. It allows to securely covering the natural cavities of the tooth enamel from the accumulation of food debris, protecting teeth from carious lesions.
Timely oral hygiene is a necessary condition for a healthy and beautiful smile!
Video. Toothpaste. How to choose it correctly.