Children's dentistry
Healthy teeth of a child are the result of daily care, attention of parents and timely professional help of a pediatric dentist.
Children and their smiles is the most precious thing any parent has!
Healthy teeth of a child are the result of daily care, attention of parents and timely professional help of a pediatric dentist.
In Medlife, special attention is paid to the treatment of children and adolescents, since the foundations for the correct formation of the chewing speech apparatus are laid at an early age. Our doctors recommend starting a visit to the dentist from the age of three; from this period, as a rule, prophylactic treatment is required, which consists in professional hygiene and strengthening of milk teeth enamel.
We recommend the first consultation of a pediatric dentist without a child, this will help to clarify the essence of the problem and agree on a plan of therapeutic measures without unnecessary manipulations, and trauma to the psyche of the child.
During the second visit, we can conduct professional hygiene and teach the child dental hygiene, explain to parents about the features of pediatric dentistry, and give necessary tips for preserving the teeth of their little treasures. We are sure: the desire of the child to visit the dentist in the future depends on the first impression.

Consultation and Prevention
A children's dentist and prevention are necessary for children at any age, it helps to avoid serious problems in the future: timely detection of caries, bite anomalies and abnormal development of the jaw to refuse removing teeth and choose the best method of treatment without surgery.
Pediatricians at Medlife clinics have the necessary psychological skills to make contact with your baby. They will turn the treatment process into a game, and give it a charge of positive emotions. For this purpose, in the course of treatment specially developed programs are used as well as a variety of incentive methods - from viewing favorite cartoons to gifts that a child receives as a reward.
Consultation and preventive manipulations will pass without stress for the child, which, in turn, will give a positive impression of the work of the dentist and prevent fear of treatment.
From preventive manipulations it is proposed:
Conducting fluoridation procedures is to strengthen tooth enamel.
To reduce the risk of caries is for sealing fissures.
Fissures are small grooves and "grooves" on the chewing surface of the tooth, located between the chewing tubercles. Fissure sealing is the treatment of the tooth surface with a special material of high fluidity - a sealant that gets into the deepest layers of fissures. This procedure facilitates oral hygiene of the child.
Also, the doctor must write out the necessary diet. After all, the child should receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals. If necessary, complex vitamins will be prescribed.
Treatment of caries
Over the past 20 years, dentistry has reached a high level of development, but dental caries in children is still one of the most common infectious diseases.
What is children's caries?
Dental caries is an infectious disease that causes tooth decay by acid-forming bacteria in dental plaque.
Caries literally destroys the teeth, without timely treatment, it can go into more severe forms: pulpitis, periodontitis, and eventually lead to tooth loss.
Where does caries in children come from?
- quite often, the defeat of milk teeth by caries is associated with the prenatal period of fetal development. Dental rudiments begin to form in the first trimester of pregnancy, so the diseases of the expectant mother during this period can lead to a violation of the proper development of the teeth in the child.
- Feeding babies with baby food or juice, before going to bed, the remnants of which are in the baby’s mouth for a long time, expose teeth to caries.
- from sweets and delicacies with which we indulge a child, without thinking about the consequences.
Your child complains of unpleasant sensations while eating, cold and hot food, refuses any particular food or food intake, chews on one side - these are symptoms of caries.
Having examined the teeth of your child, you should not calm down without finding a cavity. The peculiarity of caries is such that it is most often invisible or it forms on the contact surface of the teeth (between the teeth), that is, the enamel, which is apparently not damaged, covers the destroyed cavity. Only an experienced pediatric dentist can detect such caries.
If your child has at least one of the listed symptoms, see your dentist, do not wait for later, this is fraught with unpleasant consequences.
To prevent the development of caries of the child should:
do not allow a child to fall asleep with a bottle containing baby food or fruit juices;
start oral care as early as possible, even before the first teeth appear, wipe the gums with clean gauze for the child after each meal;
to accustom the child to proper dental care immediately after the appearance of the first teeth;
regularly check the teeth of the baby.

If caries is found, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment.
At the initial stage of caries development in children, a method of silvering enamel is applied.
Deep fluoridation "Silvering teeth". The procedure protects a tooth that already has damages in the form of a “chalky spot”. It uses the drug, the particles of which penetrate into the structure of enamel, creating a protective film that lasts for six months. The time of the procedure is 2 - 3 minutes. The course of treatment is at least two years (four treatments once every six months).
If the tooth is already stained by caries, then a drug is used that prevents further destruction of tooth tissues in cavities that cannot be sealed. The process of destruction will stop. The procedure also takes a couple of minutes.
However, these are temporary ways of dealing with tooth decay. In addition, when using drugs of silver, teeth are painted black, and this does not look attractive.
Primary teeth caries is well treatable. It can be cured quickly and effectively. In the treatment of the affected baby tooth, all diseased, softened tissues infected with bacteria are removed. The caries tooth is sterilized, and the hole is sealed with special restoration materials. The passage in the baby tooth to the bacteria is closed. Now the tooth will be able to live until the change of milk teeth to permanent ones.
A trip to the dentist should not cause fear in a child. The task of parents to explain to the child the need to visit the dental doctor is to set him up not to be afraid of this procedure. In the future, it will help keep your beloved baby's teeth clean and healthy!
Treatment of pulpitis and periodonitis
In pediatric dentistry, diseases such as pulpitis and periodontitis are most common.
Pulpitis is a dental disease characterized by inflammation of the connective tissue of the dental pulp, which contains many vessels and nerves. Pulpitis in children is found in both “milk” and permanent teeth.

Causes of pulpitis
Caries can destroy the dentin of a baby tooth so much that germs will fall on the pulp of a child’s tooth. Then the complication of caries, namely pulpitis, begins.
In young children, in the milk teeth the pulp is not so sensitive. Therefore the disease often proceeds almost asymptomatically, that is, without pain. This is due to the anatomical features of milk teeth. However, if the child does not complain of pain, it does not mean that everything is in order with his teeth. And if the bacteria got on the tooth pulp, it quickly decays, and the bacteria penetrate even further - into the root of the tooth.
Symptoms of pulpitis
The severity of symptoms of pulpitis is very individual, in some cases, the clinical manifestations of this disease are blurred, fuzzy, and treatment to the doctor occurs in cases when the process of inflammation of the periosteum becomes marked.
Symptoms of pulpitis
The severity of symptoms of pulpitis is very individual. In some cases, the clinical manifestations of this disease are blurred, fuzzy. Treatment to the doctor occurs in cases when the process of inflammation of the periosteum becomes marked.
Of course, the subjective feelings of the child are of great importance in identifying this disease, whether it is experiencing pain, what nature and severity they have.
Given the fact that many children have pulpitis at an early age, when the speech is not yet sufficiently formed for the child to voice his complaints, it can be very difficult to diagnose this disease.
In the course of diagnostics, various studies are used: determination of tooth mobility, its sensitivity, palpation and examination of the tissues surrounding the tooth, checking the response to heat exposure, as well as exposure to cold, X-ray examination (if necessary).
Pulpitis treatment
Considering the fact that when visiting a dentist, many children behave very restlessly, before starting treatment of pulpitis, they can be prescribed and administered tranquilizers. The type of anesthesia is selected for each child individually, depending on his physical data, as well as allergic and emotional reactions.
The problem to be solved in the treatment of pulpitis in children is to eliminate the infection, prevent periodontal diseases and, in cases where this is possible, preserve the pulp in its root part. There are various methods of treatment of pulpitis in children. Treatment is prescribed individually by a doctor.
Periodontitis of milk teeth in children
The next complication of caries of milk teeth in a child is periodontitis. Bacteria from the root of the tooth are released into the surrounding tissue, bone is inflamed. And here serious pains can already begin. The child's temperature rises, the cheek can swell up.
Treatment of periodontitis of the baby tooth is a subject of a separate discussion. We can only say that the later the treatment is started, the worse the prognosis of the affected tooth. Such a strongly destroyed tooth may not live up to its change of milk teeth (milk teeth begin to be replaced by the root ones from 6 - 7 years old, the change of milk teeth ends, as a rule, in 12 - 13 years).
The price of treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis directly depends on the method of treatment chosen by the doctor and the complexity of the disease.
Every second child has dental anomalies, and the wrong bite takes the first place among them. Bite correction in children must be made on time, otherwise the health and quality of life of your child will suffer.
Malocclusion in children without treatment can lead to:
fasterasability of teeth
the development of gum disease and related complications
the rapid spread of caries due to the impossibility of quality hygiene
the complexity and impossibility of prosthetics if necessary
the development of pathologies of the temporomandibular joint.
Unevenness of the dentition, their displacement forward or back, the presence of gaps between them - all these are symptoms of improper bite.
The reasons for their appearance can be:
caries and its complications
too early or late teething
disorders of posture, leading to compensatory changes in the whole body, including in the maxillofacial region
bad habits (sucking fingers, nipples, toys, biting lips)
unwillingness of a child under one year old and older to chew solid food, which reduces the load level
on chewing apparatus
diseases of the upper respiratory tract, adenoid growths that cause the child to breathe through the mouth
Bite correction
Treatment of malnutrition in children should begin at an early age. No need to wait for the milk teeth to be replaced by permanent ones. Our doctors have at their disposal all the means to correct the bite in a child of preschool age. Moreover, the prices for bite correction are very dependent on the severity of the anomaly. The earlier treatment is started, the cheaper it is
To correct serious malocclusion, use:
Trainers are soft tires that help level growing teeth for a 2-year-old baby. They are worn only for the night and for 1 - 2 hours during the day, while the child is engaged in quiet activities - read, learn lessons, watch cartoons.
Plates - individual removable orthodontic appliances. They are designed for constant wear, removed only at bedtime and meal.
Braces - fixed designs are for kids from 10 - 12 years. Children are more likely to have external braces made of metal, plastic, or ceramics.

Parent council
- Do not be fooled by the child, and do not do something extraordinary from going to the doctor!
- Postpone the visit if the child is upset or over-excited!
- Do not emphasize the importance, nuisance, or pain of a visit!
- Be sure to explain why and where you are going!
- Emphasize that you will be there all the time!
- Your emotional support is an important factor in the positive outcome of your visit to the doctor. Tell the kid words of praise about how good he is, how well he behaved during treatment.
- Say that you will go to buy a toy, a book, go for a walk in the park after a visit to the dentist and this should be the basis of your trip, and the dentist is “so on the way”
And finally, if the doctor and the parents support the child together, the treatment is successful.
And we, in our turn, will try to make sure that a visit to Medlife does not leave a negative for dentistry for many years!
A visit to the doctor on the background of any inflammatory process that accompanies such signs as swelling of the cheek-gums, fever, refusal to eat, will inevitably provoke the child to further negative attitudes towards visits to any medical facilities.