«Nothing is given to us so cheaply and valued by others as dearly as a smile»
D. Carnegie
Orthodontics is one of the most difficult sections of dentistry dealing with the correction of bite pathologies. Dental anomalies are manifested in changes in the shapes and sizes of teeth, their number, position in the dentition, impaired teething, etc. These anomalies lead to a violation of the proportions of the face, not closing of the lips, half-open mouth. Changes in the functions of the muscles of the maxillofacial area also occur, the teeth become mobile. Modern orthodontics allows correcting the bite to patients of any age. After orthodontic treatment, the overall appearance improves: the teeth are aligned, the profile becomes more correct, and the nasolabial folds are reduced. Patients look and feel more beautiful and younger.
Medlife clinics provide a comprehensive orthodontic examination, including all necessary X-rays and the installation of a ceramic brace system.

It should be remembered: the sooner the bite pathology is revealed, and the earlier the orthodontic treatment is started, the cheaper it will be!
Treatment consists of the following steps:
- Diagnostic stage: examination, removal of molds of the jaws, anthropometric analysis of models of the jaws, radiographic examination, calculation of the design of the device, drawing up a treatment plan.
- Preparatory stage: oral cavity rehabilitation, prophylaxis, surgical procedures (if necessary).
- The main (medical) stage: the manufacture of the apparatus, fixation of the apparatus, regular observation and correction. The duration of the stage is from 1 year to 3.5 years, the frequency of visits 1 - 2 times per month.
- Retention stage - stabilization of treatment results.
An orthodontist prescribes oral sanation before the start of orthodontic treatment, i.e. treatment of existing diseases (caries, pulpitis, etc.) and the implementation of hygienic and preventive measures (cleaning of dental plaque, fluoridation of teeth, etc.).
In some cases, for successful orthodontic treatment, surgical interventions are necessary: removal of teeth, plastics of the frenulums of the lips and tongue, deepening of the vestibule of the oral cavity. The doctor coordinates all these appointments with the patient or with his parents (up to 18 years).
The duration of treatment depends on the age of the client and the type of bite pathology. By agreeing to treatment, clients undertake to comply with the rules recommended by the doctor.
The choice of apparatus depends on many reasons - the complexity of the correction carried out, the patient's complaints about his appearance, ability to carefully carry out hygienic procedures and much more.

All devices are divided into two categories: removable and non-removable (fixed).
Removable (plates, multifunctional trainers) devices are those that the patient himself wears and wears the prescribed number of hours per day. They wear such devices for 12-14 hours a day, mostly at night.
Non-removable braces system. There are braces, glued to the outer surface of the teeth, vestibular braces system and braces, which are located on the inside - lingual braces systems.
Vestibular braces are metallic, gold, colored plastic, ceramic, sapphire. In the lingual braces system braces are made of special metal and are mounted on the inside of the teeth. This causes their complete invisibility to others. They are installed, as a rule, for adult patients, since this system requires strict adherence to the recommendations of the doctor and special care.
Preservation of healthy, beautiful teeth to extreme old age is one of the indicators of high quality of life.
Everyone should smile broadly, blindingly, happily!